In order to bypass government freeze of settlement construction , dozens of ‘Fake Foundations’ were established in West Bank settlements in recent days.

The Israeli government decided last week to halt construction in settlements for 10 month. The decision is meant to give chance for talks between the Palestinians and Israeli to resume.

According to the freeze order that was issued following the government declaration, it is forbidden to start any new construction unless the foundations were already laid before the freeze order was issued.

Peace Now’s Settlement Watch team found in recent days that the settlers were laying tons of cement on grounds in the shape of a floor so that it would look like a foundation in an aerial photo.

In recent months the settlers were ‘running for the foundations’ and we saw many new construction starts, Peace Now’s Settlement Watch team reported today.

Apparently some of those who did not manage to lay such foundations before the order was issued, decided to try to deceive the authorities with fake foundations.

Peace Now found those ‘Fake Foundations’ in West Bank settlements of: Nerya(Talmon B), Adam (Geva Binyamin), Ela’azar, Modi’in Illit and Na’ale.