Israeli media sources reported that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that Syria dropped an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Golan Heights as a precondition to resume indirect peace talks.

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The Golan Heights

Israeli media sources reported that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that Syria dropped an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Golan Heights as a precondition to resume indirect peace talks.

Netanyahu told the Foreign and Security Committee that French President, Nicolas Sarcoxie, informed him that Damascus is not longer demanding a withdrawal from the Golan as a precondition to resume peace talks.

Sarcoxie, according to Israeli reports, told Netanyahu that Syria is not willing to hold direct talks with Israel, and prefers to hold talks through a mediator.

Netanyahu previously told the Knesset and his cabinet that he is willing to hold direct talks with Damascus, but should Syria refuse direct talks he would hold indirect talks mediated by France instead of the previous mediator, Turkey.

The Turkish mediated indirect talks between Israel and Syria, were halted after Israeli carried its war against the Gaza Strip.

Israeli-Turkish relations were strained due to the war of Gaza, while Israel’s Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said that it is unlikely that Turkey will resume its role as a mediator.

Israeli Trade and Industry Minister, Benjamin Ben Eliezer, visited Turkey last month as said that the country could resume it role, while the Turkish Prime Minister, Receb Tayyip Erdogan, said that his country is willing to resume its role as a mediator if it was asked to.