The Israeli Authorities decided to expel seven Palestinians, from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in East Jerusalem, out of the city for 45 days. The Israeli Police arrested the seven Palestinians following clashes between Palestinians and fundamentalist Jewish settlers who attempted to occupy a Palestinian home in Sheikh Jarrah.

The seven were identified as Khamis Al Ghawi, Abed Al Nashasheeby, Mohammad Abu Jibn, Raed Thiab, Yousef Hammad, Mohannad Jalajel and his brother Monjid.

The decision violates the international law as the deported youths are residents of Jerusalem, and were defending their homes.

Sheikh Jarrah is subjected to an ongoing campaign by Israeli settlers, encouraged by their courts and state, to occupy more Palestinian homes and expel the residents from the city.

Several Palestinian homes were demolished in Sheikh Jarrah while several other homes are currently occupied by fundamentalist settlers.

More About Sheikh Jarrah