Rabbi Menachem Froman stated Friday that torching of the mosque in Yasuf Palestinian village is a blasphemy and an act that does not represent Judaism as it is an insult to Islam and Judaism as well. In a phone interview with the Maan News Agency, Froman said that several Jewish settlers are trying to organize a campaign to offer a lending hand in rebuilding the torched mosque to express rejection and condemnation to this act.

He added that Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Shlomo Ammar, intends to issue an official statement denouncing the attack as it is considered an insult to Islam and to Judaism. The Rabbi will likely issue the statement on Sunday after the passing of the Shabbat.

Furthermore, Rabbi Froman apologized to the Palestinians for what the fundamentalist settlers did, and said that Judaism does not condone any attacks against holy sites.

Rabbi Ammar was born in Casablanca – Morocco in 1948. After immigrating to Israel in 1962 he became a close associate to Shas Spiritual leader and former Sephardi Chief, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

In 2002, he was elected to be the first sole Rabbi of Tel Aviv 2002. He also served as the Chief of the Rabbinical Court in Petah Tikva.