Dr. Ahmad Tibi, deputy speaker of the Knesset, head of the United Arab Bloc for Change, stated that the Abu Kabeer forensic center removed in the 90’s patches of skin and corneas from every corpse that was transferred to it in order to implant them in wounded soldiers. Dr. Tibi added that the body parts were removed from Palestinians and Israelis as well.

In an interview with Israel’s TV, Channel 2, Tibi said that every corpse that was moved to the forensic center had its corneas and patches of skin removed without the approval of the families of the deceased persons.

The patches of skin were transferred to the “Skin Bank” at the Hadassah Israeli hospital, and were used replace burnt batches of skin of Israeli soldiers wounded during military offensives, the Maan News Agency reported.

Tibi said that the person in charge of this operation was Arie Eldad, a current member of Knesset and a former Israeli military officer.

The Israeli TV published an audio recording of the head of the forensic center saying that corneas were removed from Palestinian and Israeli corpses, the Maan News Agency reported.

The report stated that Professor Nancy Shepherded Yoz, from Britain, met ten years ago with the director of Abu Kabeer Forensic center and recorded his statements.

She told the Israeli TV that “It is true that the parts were taken from deceased Palestinians and Israelis, but the matter of fact is that the parts were taken without family approval, this is immoral, removing skin from a body that belongs to a Palestinian in order to give it to a wounded Israeli soldier, an enemy, is immoral”.

MK Tibi said “this report reminds us of the Swedish report of organ harvest published several months ago”, and added that Israel and its foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, went on a witch hunt against the report.

“But the fact is that this new report incriminates Abu Kabeer center”, he added, “It incriminates the Israeli army”.

Dr. Tibi further stated that eight years ago, and after similar circumstances emerged, he filed a letter to the Health Minister but the minister never denied or confirmed the reports.