Israeli Sources reported Monday that Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, held a meeting with Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, Ministers Dani Yaalon, Dan Meridor, Benni Begin and Eli YIshai, and Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Gabi Ashkenazi, but failed to reach an agreement on Shalit deal. The meeting came after a Monday evening protest held by activists of the Gilad Shalit Campaign, who said that they will remain in front of Netanyahu’s office to “help him make the correct decisions”, Israeli Ynet News reported. The family of prisoner of war, Shalit, also participated in the protest.

The Israeli government still insists on not releasing a number of detainees believed to be involved in killing Israel soldiers and civilians.

Israel is also demanding the deportation of some of the released detainees, an issue that is totally rejected by the Hamas movement.

Israeli Yedioth Aharanoth newspaper published the names of nine detainees Israel is totally refusing to release, with brief descriptions regarding the charges and sentences issued by Israeli courts against them.

The Israeli “rejection” list is topped by the name of Fateh leader, legislator Marwan Barghouthi. Israel believes that Barghouthi formed the Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh, and claims that he is behind several attacks against the army in the occupied territories, and bombings in Israel.

The second detainee is Abdullah Barghouthi of Hamas’ armed wing, the Al Qassam Brigades, who is believed to be behind several bombings in Israel, including a bus bombing in Tel Aviv in which 66 Israelis were killed.

The third detainee is Abbas Al Sayyid, head of Hamas’ armed wing in Tulkarem, and believed to be behind a bombing at a hotel in Netanya in which 30 Israelis were killed.

The fourth detainee is Ahmad Saadat, secretary-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, believed to be behind the assassination of Israel’s Tourism Minister, Rehabam Zeevi, in retaliation to the assassination of PFLP secretary-general Abu Ali Mustafa.

The fifth detainee is Ibrahim Hamid, believed to be behind a number of bombing in Israel.

The sixth detainee is Yahia Sinwar, imprisoned since 1988 and is serving 451 years sentence. His brother Mohammad is believed to be involved in the kidnapping of Shalit after forming security forces that belongs to the Hamas movement.

The three remaining names are for female detainees;

Ahlam Tamimi believed to be the first women who joins the Hamas movement and Israeli believes she is responsible for aiding the bomber of a café in Israel in which 15 Israelis were killed.

Detainee Amna Mona; she is believed to be behind the kidnapping and killing of an Israeli youth after chatting with him on the internet and asking him to meet her in Ramallah.

The third detainee is Qahera Al Saady, believed to be behind the King George Street bombing in Jerusalem in which three Israelis were killed.

Gild Shalit was captured in mid 2006 when three Palestinian armed groups attacked a military base near the Gaza Strip border. Two soldiers and two fighters were killed in the attack.

Hamas insists that Israel releases all detainees it mentioned in its list that was handed to Egypt and the German mediator in Cairo.

Israel insists on not releasing detainees “with blood on their hands”, while the Palestinian resistance insists that all detainees are fighting against the Israeli occupation of their land, and must be freed.

Hamas also rejects the deportation of some of the detainees who would be freed under a prisoner-swap deal, while some Hamas leaders said that such a decision should be made by the detainees themselves and their families.