The Israeli Housing Ministry released hundreds of new bids to construct homes in Settlements around East Jerusalem.

The Israeli Channel 10 reported that the Israeli government released three construction bids totaling 692 homes that are planed to be constructed in the settlements of Har-Homa, Bisgat Za’ev, and Natife Yakuf, all located around east Jerusalem.

Israeli occupied East Jerusalem during the 1967 war. Since then it is trying to drive the its Palestinian population out by demolishing their homes and issuing them with new building permission in addition to constructing settlements in and round the city. An act that is illegal according to international law.

Last month the Israeli government decided to freeze settlement activity in the West Bank to help to revive the stalled peace talks with the Palestinians. The 6 month long freeze did not include Jerusalem or homes under construction.

The U.S administration and the Palestinians Authority have demanded a total freeze of settlement construction before peace talks could be resumed.