Viva Palestina aid convoy ship has docked in Egypt’s Al-Arish sea port on Monday and all the vehicles on-board have passed through Egyptian customs. The international volunteers, headed by British MP, George Galloway, will fly throughout the day to Al-Arish airport to join those coming from Syria. The last flight will leave Damascus at midnight tonight.

The aid convoy was scheduled to reach the Gaza Strip on December 27th 2009, the one year anniversary of the Israeli war on Gaza.

The Egyptian government did not allow the aid convoy to enter Gaza from Nowibi’ sea port near the Jordan borders and forced the organizers to head to Syria then to Al Al-Arish sea port.

The Turkish ship that carried the convoy was harassed by Israeli naval forces forcing the crew to sail in the deep waters to avoid any attacks, the ship captain told reporters.

The Viva Palestina aid convoy consists of 220 trucks and some ambulances carrying the much needed food and medical supplies that the 1.5 million Palestinians living Gaza lack due to the three yeas long Israeli siege.