The villagers of Nil’in, central West Bank, organized their weekly protest on Friday against the wall Israel is building on their lands. They were joined this week by international supporters and Palestinian MP Mohammad Mesleh

Early on Friday morning Israeli troops closed the two entrances into the village of Nil’in and prevented some in attendance from entering, including an Al Jazeera film crew and Palestinian MP Mohammad Mesleh.

Mr. Mesleh did not let this stop him from joining the weekly protest against the Wall in Nil’in and walked through the surrounding fields in order to enter.

After the village welcomed him, Mohammad Mesleh lead the Friday prayer and called for unity between West Bank and Gaza. He iterated that the walls surrounding West Bank and Gaza only have one goal, which is to separate and isolate the Palestinian people.
After his speech, around 150 local and international activists joined him in marching towards the wall. When the demonstration reached the site of the wall, they were met with large amounts of tear gas and rounds of rubber coated steel bullets.

Around ten soldiers entered through one of the gates and started chasing after protestors in an attempt to arrest them. All participants managed to escape and nobody was arrested. The demonstration lasted around three hours and no injuries were reported.