Sami Abu Zuhri, spokesperson of the Hamas movement, stated that Israel deliberately opened the dams allowing the water to flood the Gaza valley area, and added that this is yet “another Zionist crime targeting the residents and their property”.Abu Zuhri added that the “Zionist occupation is to be held responsible for this crime”, and that the latest violation is meant to inflict further harm on the impoverished and war-torn Gaza Strip.

He demanded international relief organizations to intervene and provide the residents with the needed aid especially since the ongoing and deadly Israeli siege left the coastal region lacking essential supplies.

Abu Zuhri further stated that the International Community must act and stop the “Zionist Crimes” against the Palestinian people.

Official sources at the Gaza Valley area reported that the water totally covered dozens of homes as the flood was at least five meters high in certain areas.

The Local Council in the area advised the residents to vacate the areas that are 500 meters away from the valley.

Several schools were used as shelters to house the families who became homeless due to the flood.

Hamas legislator, deputy head of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Dr. Ahmad Bahar, stated on Monday evening that this is “another Israeli crime against the Palestinian people”.

Dr. Bahar added that Israel is responsible for this disaster, and called for urgent international relief.

He further stated that this incident will be documented as another Israeli crime against the Palestinian people.