Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested on Monday an American scientist on charges of attempting to pass classified information to Israel. The scientist is accredited for helping “discover water on the moon”. The scientist, Stewart David Nozette, 52, from Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA. He was approached by an FBI agent pretending to be an Israeli Intelligence officer.

He is facing charges of attempting to communicate, transfer and deliver classified information.

Stewart will be making his initial court appearance at a Federat court in Washington DC on Tuesday.

He held several important jobs in NASA, the National Space Council, and developed the Clementine bi-static radar experiment, and is accredited for discovering water on the south pole of the moon, the Huffington Post reported.

The Post added that he also worked at the Energy Department’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where he managed to design advanced technology in the years between 1990 and 1999.

The case is one of many cases in which Israel was caught trying to spy on its biggest ally and supporter, the United States of America.

In 1985, the United States arrested Jonathan Pollard, who worked as a civilian intelligence analyst, and sentenced him for a life imprisonment in 1987.

Pollard was born in Galveston, Texas on August 7, 1954. He was granted Israeli citizenship by the Israeli government in 1995. Several Israeli groups, including senior officials, such as the current Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, have lobbied for his release.

His case is connected to another Israeli spy Ben-Ami Kadish, a U.S national who confessed and pleaded guilty of passing classified information to Israel.

Israel denied Pollard is a spy for fourteen years, but in 1997, Pollard filed a legal action at the Israeli High Court of Justice to force the Israeli government to admit he was an agent for Israel recruited to spy in the USA.

On May 11, 1997, Netanyahu officially admitted that Pollard is an officially sanctioned agent handled by senior Israeli officials working for Israel’s Bureau of Scientific Relations.

The United States grants Israel billions of dollars in direct and indirect financial and military aid, in addition to millions of dollars sent by Jewish and American groups to support the illegal Israeli settlement activities and to boost the occupation of Palestine.

The US also grants Israel billions of US Dollars as military grants and aid.