Starting early in the morning, the Israeli military sealed of the village of Nil’in, near Ramallah, in an attempt to prevent those from outside of the village gaining access, to support the protest march to the separation wall.The protest started after midday prayers, as it has every Friday for the past 2 years, with the villagers marching towards the gate of the wall, that separates them from their land.

Each week supporters from the anti-Zionist Israeli movement and internationals join the local protesters.

As soon as the Palestinian flag was raised, the Israeli military began its assault against the non-violent protesters, firing tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

2 members of the protest, sustained injuries due to being shot by rubber-coated steel bullets and dozens suffered from the effects of tear gas inhalation. Troops entered the village, after the protest had ended and fired tear gas into homes.

On Monday, four Palestinian civilians from the village were kidnapped by Israeli troops during a pre-dawn invasion. Israeli troops told their families that they have been kidnapped for their involvement in the weekly nonviolent protests against the Israeli built wall on villager’s lands.