Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, slammed Hamas for criticizing the Iron Wall that Egypt is constructing along, and under, its border with Gaza. Mubarak claims the construction of the wall is a sovereign decision despite support and supervision from the United States.These statements came during a speech this past Sunday in Egypt during the ceremonies of “Police day.” Mubarak used the occasion to defend the wall Egypt is constructing and to silence his critics.

He addressed Hamas several times, at one point declaring, “Your words do not correspond with your actions.” This statement refers to the Egyptian document for Palestinian national unity, accepted in principle by both Fatah and Hamas. Mubarak finds fault with Hamas for accepting the document yet having reservations with certain issues.

Mubarak also said that the Egyptian soldier, killed January 6th on the Egypt-Gaza border, was shot by Palestinian fire during protests against the construction of the wall.

Hamas say the soldier was accidentally killed by Egyptian forces firing upon Palestinian protestors.

On January 15, Khalid Mashal, head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, called upon Egypt to halt the installation of the Iron Wall along its border with Gaza. His statements came during a speech at a Palestinian resistance conference.

He additionally asked for the unity of all Arabic countries in order to pressure Israel into lifting its unjust siege upon Gaza. Mashal stated that national security for any Arab state should not be the reason for installing walls to separate Arab brothers from each other.
