The head of Fatah’s international relations bureau, Dr. Nabeel Sha’ath, announced on Tuesday that his movement will not resume talks with the Israeli government until it stops settlement construction in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem.Dr. Sha’ath added that his movement will not adhere to the Israeli threats of invading Gaza nor the American pressure to resume the peace talks without Israeli commitment to halt all settlement activities />

During his visit to Israel last week, US Middle East envoy George Mitchell was pushing for the resumption of peace talks without a total halt of settlement construction.

Late last year, Israel announced a 10 month freeze on West Bank settlement construction. The freeze does not include Jerusalem.

Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, reaffirmed his position to Mitchell that there will be no peace negotiations with Israel until it stops all settlement activities.

Dr. Sha’ath told reporters today that Israel’s media campaign against president Abbas proves that Israel does not want peace, or the resumption of talks with the Palestinians. He added that the President will not be intimidated by the Israeli threats.