This Friday the 29th of January, an anti-wall and settlement march occured in the village of Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah.The march began after mid-day prayers in front of the village mosque. The procession then moved towards the wall which annexes Palestinian owned land.

Participants of the march raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans condemning the Israeli occupation, seperation wall and settlement activities.

An eyewitness reported an increased number of Israeli military using rubber coated metal bullets and tear gas to discourage protesters.

Many clashes erupted between village youth and Israeli soldiers. In response to Palestinian’s throwing rocks, Israeli forces used both live ammunition, rubber coated bullets and tear gas.

A twenty year old man, Jihad al-Tamimi, was wounded in the foot with a rubber coated bullet and a 25 year old photojournalist, named Essam Rimawi, was injured in the hand by a rubber coated bullet.

There were also dozen’s who suffered tear gas inhalation, a few reported fainting and suffocating.

The Israeli military has imposed a seige upon the village of Nabi Saleh in an attempt to prevent more protests against settlement expansion and the illegal occupation.