The Israeli embassy in Moscow sent a letter to the Russian government expressing dismay over Moscow’s reception of Hamas Political Bureau Chief, Khalid Mashal, and a number of Hamas officials. A senior official at the Israeli embassy stated that Israel requested, several days ago, that Moscow refrain from allowing Hamas delegates into Russia.

Bibi Avivi, deputy head of the Israeli Office for European and Asian Affairs, phoned the Russian ambassador in Tel Aviv and expressed Israel’s concern and rejection to grant Hamas leaders and official reception.

The Russian ambassador responded by stating the receiving Hamas officials in the country is not an exceptional issue as Hamas won the vast majority of the Palestinian Legislative elections.

The ambassador added that Russia also informed Hamas that it must consider the conditions of the Quartet Committee.

In related news, Hamas political bureau head, Khalid Mashal, stated Monday, that Hamas will avenge the assassination of one of its leaders in Dubai.

Hamas said that Mohammad al-Madbouh was assassinated by Israeli security agents. He added that the movement will determine the right time, date and location of its retaliation.

His statements came during a press conference in Moscow, on Monday. He said that “retaliation to the crime committed by the Israeli Mossad is not only a right, but also a duty.”

Mashal added that Hamas is in constant contact with authorities in Dubai in order to remain informed on the progress of the investigations.

“Israel moved the battlefield abroad, but our retaliation will be in the country,” Mashal stated. “Hamas can strike Tel Aviv if its wants to, the al-Qassam Brigades might surprise us with an unexpected quality of action.”

Mashal also stated that by targeting and killing Hamas leaders in exile, Israel practically stepped-up its assaults and expanded the range of its attacks. “Therefore, we will step-up the struggle to counter the Israeli aggression.”