Tensions continued, on Tuesday, at the Shu’fat refugee camp, East Jerusalem, following yesterday’s clashes and arrests, Ma’an News Agency reported.Hostilities flared between a group of children and the border guards at the military check point near the entrance to the camp leading to the detention of 15 year old, Ahmad Jamil Abu Hamda.

Ma’an reports that the child was on his way to school as the clashes began, that a soldier was injured during the proceedings, and that the Israeli military used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

This event follows similar incidents during Sunday night and Monday day, following the detention of approximately 60 residents of the camp, local sources estimate. Later Monday, local youths clashed with the Israeli military, throwing stones at them, leading to at least a dozen injured.

Furthermore, doctors and medics in the camp, were prevented from attending to those hurt, when the military attacked their clinics.