Israeli Ynet News reported, Wednesday, that a Palestinian man from the southern West bank city of Hebron was sentenced to three years for sending a fax to Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, threatening to kill him. The Palestinian was identified as Amin Amro, 32. The court decided on Wednesday to send him to jail for 33 months.

The Ynet said that Amro was also convicted of attempted assault as he reportedly arrived at the Gush Etzion junction while carrying a knife. The prosecution claims he intended to stab Israelis.

The death threat conviction against Amro states that he sent a fax in 2009 to the office of Netanyahu. The fax was sent from a public library and states that Netanyahu will be killed within few days.

The Palestinian man did not try to conceal his identity and signed the fax using his real name and also included his identity card number.

After sending the fax, the man went to the Gush Etzion junction carrying a 10-centimeter knife, and turned himself in to the soldiers.

His lawyer said that Amro wanted to be arrested by the army, and that’s why he provided his details in the fax. The lawyer said that Amro is facing problems with his family.

Amro faced 23 criminal charges, the Ynet added, and that the charges include hurling a Molotov cocktail and stones at the Israeli army. One of the charges was entering Israel illegally.