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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday, March 24th 2010.

Israeli air strikes leave two injured in Gaza as troops attack a school in the West Bank. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

The News Cast

Palestinian medical sources reported that two residents were wounded when the Israeli Air Force gunships fired missiles at an area east of Jabalia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, on Wednesday.

Local sources reported that Apache helicopters fired two missiles at fighters near the Schools area in Jabalia. The Israeli military claims that the targeted area is a storage facility for weapons and explosives for Palestinian resistance groups.
A army spokesperson said the shelling comes in retaliation to homemade shells fired at Ashkelon, north of Gaza Strip on Tuesday evening.

In related news, twenty Palestinian workers were detained on Wednesday by Israeli troops at the northern part of the Gaza Strip. An Israeli military force invaded the evacuated settlement of Dogit, northern Gaza Strip, rounded up the workers there then detained 20 of them, witnesses told local media.

The settlement of Dogit was evacuated by Israel during the unilateral disengagement plan in september of 2005. Some Palestinian workers make living by salvaging metal from old and ruined buildings there.

Soldiers attacked detained workers and assaulted them before taking them to military detention facilities for questioning, witnesses added.

Elsewhere, Israeli soldiers fired tear gas on Wednesday at school students near the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

Local sources said that troops stormed the school fired tear gas at students then forced them out of their classrooms.

Residents say the army is planning to build a road for settlers that passes by the school. Tuesday night a military jeep crashed near the school during a night invasion in the area, sources added.


Thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem, you have been listening to Palestine Today from the International Middle East Media Center, This report has been brought to you, by Ghassan Bannoura.