Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, left the United States without reaching any compromise or understanding with the American administration, especially regarding settlement construction in occupied East Jerusalem. Advisors of both Netanyahu and U.S. President, Barack Obama, held on Wednesday at night extensive talks in an attempt to reach any sort of understanding or even a press release that could facilitate the path for indirect Palestinian-Israeli peace talks.

The Israeli Radio reported that U.S. Middle East Peace Envoy, George Mitchell, met with Netanyahu in Washington to discuss the issue but to no avail.

Mitchell said that he intends to return to the region soon, likely after the Jewish “Passover” Pesah feast. His trip will be another attempt to find a way to resume the talks.

The White House said that President Obama asked Netanyahu to take measures that would build trust with the Palestinians, but Netanyahu refused to change his policies regarding settlement construction in occupied East Jerusalem.

The White House added that it would inform the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas of the results of the talks with Netanyahu.

Abbas will be participating in a meeting with Follow-up Committee of the Arab Peace Imitative in Libya, and would informed the Arab leaders of the outcome of the Netanyahu-US Administration talks.

Israel continues to reject any talks on Jerusalem and other core issues that obstruct any advancement in peace talks with the Palestinians.

It is ongoing with its illegal settlement activities, the demolishing of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, and refuses talks on any substantial issues.