Residents of Al Ma’ssara village near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem protest on Friday midday the Israeli-built wall on their lands.
Villagers were joined by International and Israeli supporters. People marched from the village towards the wall construction site. Israeli troops erected a checkpoint using razor-wire and stopped people for reaching the wall site.

Troops used force to bush people back when they tried to move the razor-wire and continue to march. Later organizers delivered speeches demanding Israeli to stop building the wall and settlement on Palestinian lands. Joining the protest today was Taysser Al Tamimi, Palestinian chief Judge.

People dispersed shortly after. During the protest people carried photos of Omer Aladdin a local organizer from Al Ma’ssara. Aladdin was detained by the army two week a ago for one week during his detention troops beat him up tortured him. Hours after his release on Tuesday of this week he had to seek medical care at a local hospital due to injuries inflicted by the army’s torture.

After the protest ended on Friday people went to his house and visited him.