Israeli authorities demolished on Tuesday two barracks that belong to Palestinians from Jerusalem, claiming they are built without the proper permits. Clashes erupted between Palestinian civilians and Israeli police who accompanied military bulldozers that arrived in Abbasyeh neighborhood in Jerusalem.

The Palestine News Agency reported that the bulldozers demolished a animal sheds that belong to Kamel Shweiki, before moving to demolish two other houses in the neighborhood.

Fakhry Abu Diab, member of the Land Defense Popular Committee said that a number of residents gathered in an attempt to stop the bulldozers and clashed with the policemen.

Abbasyeh neighborhood is close to al-Bustan neighborhood in the town of Silwan, near Jerusalem. Israeli forces has handed demolition orders to more than 80 houses in the neighborhood which will leave more than 100 families homeless if executed.

Most of those families will have to leave Jerusalem to the other parts of the West Bank for residence, which will consequently result in loosing their residency rights in Jerusalem.