Israeli deputy Foreign Minister, Dani Ayalon, stated that Israel might accept having international observers monitor Gaza Strip border crossings in order to supervise the transfer of humanitarian supplies to Gaza.His statements came after meetings with a number of French government officials in Paris.

In an interview with the Israeli Radio, Ayalon said that Israel’s decision to “ease restrictions on the Gaza Strip” boosted Israel’s stance regarding its rejection to what he described as “ships that violate international law”.

He also stated that Israel is pressuring Lebanon via European countries in order to prevent the Lebanese flotilla from sailing to Gaza.

Ayalon further stated that Israel does not intend to adhere to the Turkish conditions to reinstate its ambassador in Tel Aviv, and added that “preconditions prove the lack of genuine intentions”.

Turkey demanded Israel apologize for its deadly attack against the Turkish ship, the Mavi Marmara, in international waters, and also demanded an international investigation into the attack, compensating and apologizing to the families of the victims, and to allow Turkey to retrieve its seized ships.

A Turkish diplomat stated that Ankara will not wait for long, and will take serious measures against Israel should it fail to meet its demands.

Some of the measures Turkey is talking about include halting military, diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel in addition to downgrading its diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv.