The Russian Foreign Ministry demanded Israel to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip, and also demanded actual measures to end the humanitarian crisis in the coastal region. The siege was imposed by Israel four years ago leading to hundreds of casualties as hospitals and medical centers ran out of supplies and the needed medical equipment.

On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, phoned his Israeli counterpart, Avigdor Lieberman, and demanded that Israel lifts the siege, and also asked him about the latest developments in proximity talks with the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement revealing that Lavrov stressed the importance of advancing peace talks in the Middle East based on the principles of international law.

He said that peace, security and stability in the region, not only with the Palestinians, but also with Lebanon and other countries, requires implementing the international law.

The al-Mezan Center for Human Rights slammed the ongoing Israeli siege and described it as a crime against humanity.

The Center demanded that the international community act to end this siege and demanded that governments around the world should clearly define this siege as a violation to humanitarian law and a form of collective punishment.