Arab member of Knesset of the National Democratic Assembly party, Dr. Jamal Zahalka, stated that the kidnapping of the Palestinian legislator from Jerusalem, Mohammad Abu Teir, and the Israeli decision to deport him is part of Israeli political and ethnic cleaning of the Palestinian people.Dr. Zahalka added that this move violates international law, that forbids deportations and expulsions, and also violates agreements signed by Israel allowing Palestinian legislative elections to be held in Jerusalem as well as the rest of the Palestinian territories.

Israeli TV Channel 2, reported that no charges were filed against Abu Teir, and that the deportation aims at targeting Hamas and its presence in Jerusalem.

Abu Teir was kidnapped as he and Palestinian legislator, Ahmad Attoun, were driving in Sur Baher in East Jerusalem.

Attoun told Reuters that the soldiers kidnapped Abu Teir and took him to al-Maskobiyya prison.

He also said that a security officer told him that he too has only two more days to leave Jerusalem.

Israel ordered the expulsion of four Palestinian officials from Jerusalem; one minister and three members of the Palestinian Legislative Council. Abu Teir was given until last Friday to leave the city.

Zahalka further stated that this arrest is politically motivated as no charges were filed against Abu Teir, and demanded the Palestinian Authority to provide a serious response to this violation, and to stop the talks and security coordination with Israel.

“This arrest is the first phase of expelling all Jerusalem legislators and more than 300 Palestinian figures from Jerusalem”, Zahalka said, “Israel wants the Palestinians and their elected officials out of Jerusalem; this issue requires us all to act and to unite all of our efforts locally and internationally”.