Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, held Turkey fully responsible for Israel’s attack against the Turkish ships trying to deliver humanitarian supplies to Gaza, and stated that Israel will not apologize for the attack, and will not pay compensation to the victims’ families. Netanyahu added that although Defense Minister, Benjamin Ben Eliezer, and Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, did not achieve any real understanding, yet the importance of the meeting is that it was held despite Turkish threats and statements to cut its ties to Israel after its attack against the Turkish ship.

He said that the meeting is part of the efforts to stop the deteriorating relations between Turkey and Israel.

Ben Eliezer and Davutoglu held an unofficial meeting at Zurich Airport. Netanyahu said that the meeting is a step in the right direction, but also stated that Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, should have been informed about it.

As for the Turkish demands, Netanyahu said that Israel “cannot apologize” and claimed that the soldiers “had to defend themselves”.

He also denied reports that stated that Israel is weighing the possibility of paying compensations to the wounded and the families of the slain activists.

Nine activists were killed and dozens were wounded when the Israeli army attacked the Turkish Ship, Marmara, while on its way to deliver humanitarian supplies to Gaza. The soldiers seized the ship and all other ships of the Freedom Flotilla and towed them to Ashdod Port.