In the pre-dawn hours on Saturday, Israeli forces invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus, as well as the nearby villages of Zawata and Asira, raiding several homes and interrogating residents, then returning to the military base with no arrests.The troops invaded the city with a military force of several jeeps and armored vehicles, stopping their vehicles several times along Younis Street and Al-Majen Street in Ain Al-Maa refugee camp, according to eyewitnesses.

Invasions of Nablus are a nearly every day occurrence, and residents report frequent abductions and illegal searches and seizure of property by Israeli troops. Saturday’s invasion comes just two days after an invasion in which Israeli troops raided an auto parts store, looting a large amount of the store’s inventory and seizing the storeowner.

In addition to the early morning invasions, Israeli troops stationed at Huwwara checkpoint –the Israeli-controlled entrance to Nablus– stopped a vehicle and detained a passenger when his name came up on a ‘security’ list.