The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) warned that its secretary-general, Ahmad Saadat, is facing what is called “slow death” in Israeli prisons and that he remains in solitary confinement since more than 18 months. The PFLP issues a press release stating that Israel insists on labeling Saadat as a security threat, and is carrying different sorts of illegal measures against him, including depriving him from all visitation rights.

It said that Saadat is subjected to a policy of slow death and called on different human rights groups to act for his release.

It also called on different Palestinian factions and Arab parties to act in solidarity with Saadat.

Saadat was kidnapped from the Jericho prison on March 14, 2006, after its British and American guards withdrew allowing the Israeli army to break into it and kidnap the PFLP leader and several other political prisoners.

On December 25 2008, an Israeli military court sentenced Saadat to 30 years in prison for what it called “heading an illegal organization”.