The Israeli Radio reported Thursday that Israel intends to construct 25000 units in Modi’in Ilit settlements near the central West Bank city of Ramallah. The Radio said that direct after settlement “freeze” ends at the end of this month, the construction would resume in the settlement and in several other settlements in the occupied West Bank.

It added that an Israeli construction company “Na’ot Hapisga” will start the construction of 2400 units in Modi’in Ilit and that this decision was made after the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu declared that it does not intend to extend its temporary settlement freeze order.

The Israeli Radio said that the company’s managed stated that the government informed his company that it will not be eligible for compensation for “loses resulting from the freeze order”.

Israel’s settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and in occupied East Jerusalem are among the main issues that obstruct peace talks with the Palestinians.

Under the International Law and the Fourth Geneva Conventions, settlements are illegal and constitute war crimes.