Palestinian sources reported that Israeli soldiers assassinated on Friday at dawn a Hamas leader, in Nour Shams refugee camp near the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, after breaking into his home and shooting him to death while he was in his bed. Ten Hamas members were also kidnapped.Eyewitnesses reported that dozens of armored military vehicles invaded Tulkarem city and Nour Shams refugee camp approximately at 2:30 and assassinated Eyad As’ad Shilbaya, 38.

As the details of the assassination started to unfold it was revealed that soldiers first broke into the home of Eyad’s father and forced his brother to accompany them to his home.

After arriving at the home of Eyad, soldiers wired and detonated the main door and immediately went to Eyad’s bedroom and fired at least three rounds at him while he was still in his bed. One bullet hit him in his neck and two in his chest.

Soldiers then took body of Eyad and withdrew from the area.

His brother said that he heard him shouting “who is there” three times before the soldiers fired three rounds at him while he was still in his bed. His wife was not at home as she was visiting her parents in Jenin.

Later on, the army handed Eyad’s body to the Palestinian Red crescent; his body was then moved to “Thabit Thabit” Governmental Hospital.

Furthermore, soldiers kidnapped ten Hamas members in Nour Shams and took them to unknown destinations. The ten were identified as Mohammad Abu Al Kheir, Kamal Masharqa, Aseed Aref, Taiseer Al Jaber, Mohammad Al Ghoul, Ashraf Fouda, Nidal Abu Hilal, Nidal Abu Thareefa, Mohamamd Abu Dayya and Ahmad Asas.