After an infant from Al Esawiyya in East Jerusalem died due to teargas inhalation on Friday, clashes were reported Saturday evening between dozens of residents and Israeli soldiers leading to dozens of injuries among the residents. The clashes took place in several Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem while more Israeli soldiers and policemen were deployed in the area.

The army attempted to invade Al Esawiyya town but dozens of youths took off to the streets and hurled stones and empty bottles at them. The army fired gas bombs, rubber-coated bullets and rounds of live ammunition leading to several injuries.

Clashes were also reported in Silwan town, south of the Al Aqsa Mosque, and in the neighborhoods of Al Tour, Ras Al Amoud, Al Suwwana, and in Shu’fat refugee camp.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army claimed that more than three hours after ongoing clashes, a number of Palestinians fired rounds of live into the air while marching in the funeral of the slain child. If confirmed, this would be the first time Palestinians use a weapon during clashes in Jerusalem.

The infant who died due to teargas inhalation Friday evening was identified as Mohammad Abu Sneina, 1; he initially suffered breathing difficulties as a result of inhaling gas fired by the army, but all efforts to save his life failed.