Israeli soldiers entered the Nafha Prison on Monday evening and searched the rooms of the detainees causing damage. The attack led to tension in the prison camp when the soldiers forced the detainees out of their rooms. The Wa’ed Society for Detainees reported that the attack was carried out by Mitzada, the Special Forces of the Israeli Prison Administration.

The Society stated that the soldiers broke into Section 14 at the Nafha Prison, and violently forced the detainees out of their rooms before searching the rooms and confiscating electric equipment.

Soldiers also lined the detainees up while searching their rooms, which led to further tension between the detainees and the soldiers.

The Society stated that the attack is one of many attacks carried out against the detainees and warned that such attacks could lead to clashes with the soldiers.

The Society called on the International Red Cross to intervene and to protect the detainees by calling on Israel to implement the Fourth Geneva Convention and related resolutions regarding the rights of prisoners of war.

The detainees in Nafha prison said that Israeli soldiers are responsible for repeated attacks against them, and warned of the consequences of such attacks.

Two weeks ago, soldiers placed several detainees in solitary confinement and attacked dozens of detainees with batons and tear gas.

The Wa’ed Society reported that its is concerned by the ongoing escalation against the detainees, and that the detainees will be declaring a series of measures, likely hunger strikes, should the attacks against them continue.