During a Friday night meeting with the Arab Follow-up Committee in the Libyan city of Sirt, Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, cast doubts on the future of the Palestinian Authority if peace talks with Israel fail to bring about a Palestinian State. Abbas said that there would be no point in keeping the P.A while Israel continues its violations and settlement activities.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a Palestinian official told Agence France Press that Abbas presented a number of alternatives for the Palestinian state should peace talks with Israel fail to achieve this goal due to the ongoing construction of settlements.

Among the alternatives presented by Abbas are seeking U.S. recognition of a Palestinian State in the 1967 borders, or resorting to the United Nations General Assembly to place the Palestinian territories under an international mandate.

Arab League Secretary-General, Amro Mousa stated prior to the meeting of the Follow-Up Committee that Arab leaders will listen to what Abbas has to say and then start presenting alternatives to the peace process.

Two days ago, Abbas hinted that he might submit his resignation should peace talks fail.

Palestinian official, Dr. Nabil Shaath, said that the statements by Abbas are a message to the world, and added that what Abbas meant is to tell the world that he ‘will not give up the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.’

During the Friday meeting of the Arab Summit Arab leaders expressed support for the Palestinian decision to halt talks with Israel as long as Israel refuses to stop its settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and in occupied East Jerusalem.

They decided to give the United States another chance to advance peace talks, and to pressure Israel into halting its settlement activities.