Tuesday night Israeli troops launched large-scale raids of homes in several neighbourhoods and battled with children in the town of Silwan near the Al Aqsa Mosque.Eyewitnesses said that Israili soldiers broke the doors and windows of many houses and intimidated women and children.

The children resisted Israeli soldiers by hurling stones and glass objects; and by burning tires and placing obstacles in front of military patrols. The troops retaliated with sound bombs, rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas. One of the injured was identified as Silman Syam, 10.

In Beir Ayoub, near Silwan, several undercover soldiers disguised as Palestinians arrested four children. The children were identified as Ihab al-shwaky,11; Mohammad Mansour,13; Baha’ al-Rajbe,12; and Jehad al-Shwake,12 . The children were taken to the al-Maskobeya detention and interrogation center in West Jerusalem.