Israeli army detained, on Thursday afternoon, a number of journalists who participated as volunteers in harvesting olives. Their work was organized by the Palestine Mininstry of Information in Kafir Kadom, near Qalqilia.The Ministry of Information issued a press release stating that a large number of Israeli soldiers attacked the volunteers, prevented them picking olives from trees which are adjacent to the settlement of Qadumim, and threatened to shoot at them if they did not leave the region.

Further, they detained a number of journalists for an hour at the entrance to the town of Haja, near Qalqilia.

Many people participated in this volunteer effort, including Dr.Taha, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information, selected staff from the Ministry of Information in Ramalah and the northern governorates, and local residents from the surrounding villages.

Dr.Taha stated in a press conference held at the village council of Kafir Kadom, that this work aimed at increasing the steadfastness of farmers to stay on their lands.

An Israeli military order has been issued to take over 11 dunums* of Kafir Kadom ‘lands in order to build a new ‘security road’ near the village of kafir Kadom.

* 1 dunum is equal to 0.247 acres