Palestinian medical sources reported, on Thursday, that two residents who work in the collection of scrap metal were wounded when the Israeli army opened fire at them in northern Gaza.One of the residents, 32, was wounded in his left foot in Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The other, 24, was wounded in the right foot when he was in the vicinity of the Erez terminal.

The latest attacks are part of repeated incidents carried out by Israeli soldiers stationed near the Gaza Strip border.

Palestinians in Gaza collect stones and rubble of buildings and structures, that were bombarded by the Israeli army during the war on Gaza, in order to use the material for construction purposes as the Gaza Strip lacks basic equipment and tools due to the ongoing Israel seige.

Israel imposes a so called ‘buffer zone’ that runs, officially, 300 metres from the border, but in reality can run in as far as 2 kilometres into the coastal enclave. Israeli soldiers are given the order to shoot on sight, anyone that enters the zone, using live ammunition.

Palestinians living in Gaza claim that this belies Israel’s claim that they have fully withdrawn from the strip, and makes upwards of 30% of the region’s agricultural land unusable.

Due to the use of live ammunition, killings occur, with victims including farmers attempting to work their lands and Gazans protesting all facets of the Israeli occupation, such as the case of 21 year old, Ahmed Deeb, who was shot in the leg at a protest this April, and subsequently died due to blood loss.