The Israeli paper, Maariv, reported Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to weigh the possibility of offering a three-month freeze on settlement activities in order to give peace talks a chance to advance. The paper said that Netanyahu is preparing a plan in this regard, and intends to submit it to the American President, Barack Obama, next month.

According to the plan, Israel will not conduct any constructions in West Bank settlements, and that after the three months, Israel will resume what was described as “limited constructions meant for natural growth purposes,” for an additional nine months.

Sources close to Netanyahu stated that he intends to make “tough decisions” after he passes the state budget to the Knesset for approval in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, the office of Netanyahu denied any new decisions regarding a new settlement freeze, and stated that talks are ongoing with the Obama administration in an attempt to resume the peace process with the Palestinians.

The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is demanding that Israel halt all of its settlement activities in the occupied territories, including those in occupied East Jerusalem, before peace talks are resumed.

The P.A is also demanding that Israel stop its invasions and arrest campaigns in the occupied territories.