On Sunday, the group will hold a rally at the Zionist Organization of America House in Tel Aviv, under the banner ‘Say No to Obama.’ Their objective is to push for the end of the peace process and protest for the settlement freeze.On Wednesday, Likud activists announced the creation of the Israeli ‘Tea Party’ as an opening shot in their efforts to stop the peace process entirely. In their opinion, Israel’s commitment to negotiations stems only from inertia and habit, rather than a real need or interest on Israel’s part.

The first step of the group will be to hold a rally on Sunday to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policy and the American pressure on Israel to renew the settlement construction freeze.

Knesset members Danny Danon, Ayoob Kara and Yariv Levin are among the Likud lawmakers who have agreed to participate in Sunday’s rally. Also the former member of Knesset , Michael Kleiner, has joined the protest and has claimed that the act will make Netanyahu realize that what Israel really needs is not what the U.S. is asking to do.

The Israeli ‘Tea Party’ members claimed on their Facebook page that the decision to form the group came from a deep sense of frustration with what they see as a political vacuum in the right wing. ‘We believe there is no buffer on the political map separating leaders from making decisions on the peace process that are disastrous and dangerous to Israel,’ the activists added.

The group is modeled after the far-right conservative Tea Party movement in the United States, which was formed in 2009 as a protest against the fiscal stimulus package signed by Obama and they have gained visibility due to their use of social networking sites.