Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists have urged international artists who are slated to perform in the International Red Sea Chamber Music Festival in Eilat, Israel next month to cancel their appearances.The festival is to take place from March 17-26 and it is expected to attract prominent musicians from Europe.

In an email to the members of the international orchestra iPalpiti, the activists listed several well-known people who have boycotted Israel, such as South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, director Ken Loach and guitarist John Williams.

The 15 people who signed the letter argued that if the festival takes place as planned, it will help Israel present an image of normalcy. They also pointed out that the event is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bank Hapoalim.

Festival organizers responded by saying that iPalpiti has announced it has rejected the call to boycott.