Fundamentalist Israeli settlers conducted, on Friday at dawn, several attacks against property and lands that belong to several residents of a number of villages near Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank.Local sources reported that a number of armed settlers of the Yitzhar settlement, south of Nablus torched a bulldozer that belongs resident Ibrahim Eshtayya, from Burin village, south of Nablus.

The settlers also wrote anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian graffiti at the entrance of Jeet village, south west of Nablus, and also punctured the tires of a number of vehicles.

Furthermore, a group of settlers uprooted 25 olive trees in Al Sadara area, north of Orif village. The trees belong to residents Hasan Abdul-Fattah Safady and Mohammad Salama Safady.

The recent attacked are part of several similar and repeated attacks carried out by settlers against the residents and their lands in different parts of the West Bank, especially in Nablus and Hebron.