Palestinian sources reported on Wednesday at dawn that a member of the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, was killed, while another Palestinian was seriously injured after an Israeli drone fired a missile at them in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.The Al Quds Brigades stated that the fighter, Mohammad Abu Moammar, 24, was assassinated while heading to a local mosque, north of Rafah, to perform dawn prayers.

Medical sources reported that Mohammad died shortly after being moved to a local hospital suffering serious injuries.

The wounded resident is currently in a serious condition and was admitted to the intensive care unit.

On Tuesday at night, the Israeli Air Force fired a missile at a tunnel on the Gaza-Egypt border causing damage.

The Israeli army assassinated six Islamic Jihad fighters in the Gaza Strip in the last ten days.

The Al Quds Brigades vowed retaliation and stated in a press release that was issued after the assassination of Abu Moammar that “the enemy will pay a high price for its crimes”.

Resistance factions in Gaza recently announced a truce with Israel as long as the Israeli army halts its violations, but also stated that they will retaliate to any Israeli aggression.