While Hamas and the Islamic Jihad boycotted Student Senate elections at Bethlehem University on Wednesday, Fateh movement garnered 18 seats while the leftist coalition garnered 13 seats. The leftist coalition is a coalition between the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and the Palestinian People Party (PPP).

Approximately %60 eligible voters (nearly 1537 students) practiced their right to vote, while 1435 of voting cards were accredited and the rest were blank or voided.

Students Affairs Dean at Bethlehem University, Mahmoud Hammad, stated that the Fateh Bloc garnered 845 votes while the unified leftist coalition garnered 580 votes.

The outcome of the elections enables Fateh to form the Student Council in accordance to the regulations and procedures of the internal constitution of the Student Senate.

Hamas and the Islamic Jihad refrained from participating in the polls in protest to political arrests conducted by the Palestinian Security Forces, loyal to Fateh movement, in the West Bank. The Palestinian National Initiative also boycotted the elections.

Last year, Fateh garnered 19 seats while the leftist coalition garnered 12 seats.