Accompanied by senior Hamas delegates in exile, head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas movement in Syria, Khaled Mashal, arrived on Sunday evening in Cairo in preparation to sign the Palestinian unity agreement, with Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas. The Hamas-affiliated Palestinian Information Center reported that Hamas figures Dr. Sami Abu Marzouq, Sami Khater and Imad Al Alami also accompanied Mashal.

The unity agreement will officially be signed this coming Wednesday. Abbas, Mashal, and leaders of other Palestinian factions will attend the official ceremony.

Hamas political leaders in Gaza will be heading to Cairo Monday to join Mashal and his team in order to hold a meeting with Egyptian Security Chief, lieutenant Mamdouh Muwafi.

Khalil Al Hayya, member of the Hamas political Bureau, confirmed that Mashal will also be holding meeting with Egyptian leaders, and leaders of different Palestinian factions, including a meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas.

Al Hayya added that, directly after unity deal is signed, Hamas and Fateh movements will start extensive talks on security arrangements, elections, the upcoming government and reforming the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

After reaching the preliminary deal between Fateh and Hamas last week, Egypt started preparations for the signing of the final deal.

Different Palestinian factions and vast segments of the Palestinian society in Palestine and in exile expressed relief after the initial deal was signed.

Israel and the United States are threatening to boycott the Palestinian Authority, and indicated they would halt all sorts of cooperation with it.

Several U.S senators, mainly republicans, called for stopping U.S. and international aid to the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas for signing a deal with the Hamas movement, dubbed as a terrorist group.