On Thursday, The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) issued a report stating that more than 7000 Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories over the past ten years. The PCBS said that 7342 Palestinians were killed in the period between September 29, 2000 and December 31, 2010.

The report stated that by the end of 2009, the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire arrived to 7235, including 2183 killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank.

2059 of the slain Palestinians in the West Bank are males and 124 are females.
In the Gaza Strip, the army killed 5015 Palestinians, 4601 of them are males, and 414 are females. The rest of the casualties are from the 1948 territories.
The year 2009 was the bloodiest year as Israeli soldiers killed 1219 Palestinians comparing to 1192 killed in 2002.

107 persons, including 9 Turkish peace activists, were killed by Israeli army fire in 2010.

The Turkish activists were killed when the Israeli army pirated the Mavi Marmara solidarity ship in international waters as it was approaching the Gaza shore along with the rest of the “Freedom Flotilla” solidarity convoy to deliver urgently needed medical and humanitarian supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The PCBS report also indicated that Israeli soldiers kidnapped nearly 750.000 Palestinians since 1967. Among the kidnapped were 12.000 women and dozens of thousands of children.

It added that more than 6000 Palestinians are still imprisoned by Israel, including dozens of persons from different Arab countries. 820 detainees were sentenced to at last one life term.

There are 37 female detainees, and 425 children, who are currently imprisoned by Israel, in addition to 136 detainees who have been in prison since more than 20 years. 41 detainees have been imprisoned since more than 25 years and four have been in prison since more than 30 years.

The PCBS said that since the outbreak of the Al Aqsa Intifada on September 28, 2000, the army kidnapped 70.000 Palestinians, including 8000 children and 850 women. Four of the kidnapped women were pregnant when kidnapped and delivered their children while shackled on prison clinic beds.

Israel also kidnapped dozens of elected ministers, legislators and officials, and issued more than 20.000 Administrative Detention orders against the detainees.

Administrative Detention is when Israel claims obtaining “a secret file” against certain detainees and can keep renewing the order indefinitely without pressing charges against the detainees.