Israeli TV, Channel 2, quoted several Israeli political analysts stating that, during his congress speech on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, crushed Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and managed to convince the Congress that peace talks are arbitrary.Channel 2 reported that several prominent political analysts in Israel said that Netanyahu crushed the stances of Abbas and even the American President, Barack Obama, when he rejected a full withdrawal to the 1967 borders, and when he labeled talks with the Arabs and the Palestinians as illogical.

The analysts said that Netanyahu appeared like “a rising star”, while Obama’s popularity seemed to be declining.

They added that Netanyahu did not only defend Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank, but also highlighted “the legality of all Jewish settlements in the region”.

Several Israeli media outlets said that, unlike Obama, Netanyahu appeared like the strong man who controls the outcome of talks and political maneuvers, and that Abbas and his Prime Minister, Dr. Salaam Fayyad, can only ask Netanyahu to freeze settlement activities, but at the end, “he [Netanyahu] is the one who makes final decisions, not the United States”.

The agencies added that this issue that proves that Netanyahu controls all strings as, on the ground, Israel’s settlement construction and expansion plans are ongoing.

Israel openly ignores and rejects all United Nations and Security Council resolutions calling for Israel’s withdrawal from all Arab and Palestinian occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war. This includes occupied East Jerusalem and the occupied Golan Heights.

Also, Jewish settlements built in the occupied territories are illegal under international law and the Fourth Geneva Conventions.