Israeli soldiers kidnapped on Tuesday at dawn ten members of the Islamic Jihad in the northern West bank city of Jenin, and nearby villages and towns, broke into offices that belong to the movement, the Palestinian People Party, and also shut down a charitable society.Local sources reported that soldiers kidnapped Islamic Jihad members Mohammad Mardawi, Mona Hussein Qa’dan, Sujai Al Sheebany, from Arraba town, Bilal Thiab and Majdi Al Sheikh Ibrahim from Kufur Ra’ey, Ibrahim Baddad and Waleed Malabsha from Jaba’, Taha Sharqawy from Az-Zababda, Jamal Abdul-Fattah Yousef from Aneen, and Fadi Zyoud from Sielet Al Harthiyya.

The sources added that soldiers broke into dozens of homes in the Jenin district and installed a roadblock in the center of Kafreet town.

Furthermore, troops broke into the “Al Bara’ Society for Muslim Girls” in Jenin City by smashing its front door before confiscating its computers and files, and shutting it down.

The Islamic Jihad Movement issued a press release stating that soldiers broke into the home of Sheikh Khader Adnan, a political leader of the movement, and searched the property causing damage. Troops intended to kidnap Adnan but he
was not home.

Also, soldiers broke into an office that belongs to the leftist Palestinian People Party and searched it, and broke into the Islamic Relief Society in addition to a number of stores and offices located in Al Breeky building in the center of Jenin.

Troops confiscated documents from the office of the Palestinian People Party and the Islamic Relief Society.

Clashes were reported in Jenin as a number of youths hurled empty bottles and stones at the invading forces who fired rounds of live ammunition, no injuries were reported.