The Israeli Army deployed dozens of additional units at the border with Syria following Sunday clashes in which the army short and killed 23 protesters marking the Naksa Day, and injured more than 350. The clashes lasted until night hours on Sunday while dozens of protesters remained near the border area demanding their right to cross back into their occupied homeland.

Israeli sources reported Monday morning that protesters returned to the border area, especially in the area that face Majdal Shams town in the occupied Golan Heights.

The army said that are likely to erupt again Monday and that they could continue until Tuesday.

Israel military and political leaders held Syria responsible for the clashes on Sunday, and claimed that “the Syrian army failed to prevent the protesters from reaching Al Qneitra and the Al Seihat Hill leading to direct confrontation with the Israeli forces”.

Israel also claimed that the Syrian reports on the casualties are “exaggerated”, and that they aim at causing further tension across the border.

Military sources in Tel Aviv claimed that what happened on the border with Syria is an indication that the Syrian regime is collapsing amidst protesters demanding the removal of Syrian President, Bashar Assad.

The Maan News Agency quoted Israeli officials claiming that the Syrian regime is paying a 1000 USD to each protester, and 10.000 dollars to each family of slain protesters.

Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman of the extremist “Israel Our Home” party, instructed his office to file an official complaint against Syria at the Security Council.