On Tuesday, the Fateh and Hamas movements held in Cairo their first meeting to implement the National Unity Agreement, and agreed to hold the next round of talks next Tuesday, June 21.The coming meeting will be held with the participation of Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and Hamas Political Bureau Chief, Khaled Mashal.

Member of Hamas Political Bureau, Izzat Al Rishiq, described the meeting as positive and stated that the two parties discussed the issue of political prisoners, and the means to end this file.

He added that both Fateh and Hamas presented lists of political prisoners, held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip and by Fateh in the West Bank, and documents explaining why those prisoners are still behind bars.

Egypt’s Intelligence Chief, Morad Muwafy, and Egyptian Lieutenant, Mohammad Ibrahim, in charge of the Palestinian file at the Egyptian Intelligence, participated in the meeting.

The Hamas and Fateh officials discussed the proposed names for the Prime Minister’s position, and agreed to continue the talks with the presence of Abbas and Mashal. Yet, Hamas reiterated its objection to Dr. Salaam Fayyad as the Prime Minister of the new government. Fayyad currently holds the Prime Ministers’ position of the Palestinian government in the West Bank.

Initial reports revealed that the new government would be announced next Tuesday in Cairo.

Meanwhile, the Qatar-based Al Jazeera reported that Hamas and Fateh agreed on the new Prime Minister, but did not reveal his identity.