The British Authorities arrested late on Tuesday at night Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in “Israel” under the claim that he poses a threat to the public security in Britain.Salah was moved to a detention facility in preparation to be deported out of the UK.

On Sunday, Sheikh Salah had no problem by the British security when he landed at the Heathrow Airport.

Recently, the British Interior Ministry decided that Sheikh Salah will never be allowed into the country. On Saturday, British Home Secretary, Theresa May, issued an official injunction to ban the Sheikh from entering the country, Israeli Ynet News reported.

He was invited to deliver a speech to in front of British parliamentarians of the Labor opposition party.

The Sheikh was planning to speak about the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people.

It is worth mentioning that Sheikh Salah was repeatedly kidnapped and assaulted by Israeli soldiers and policemen, especially in Jerusalem, while the Israeli police issued several restraining orders barring him from entering Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa Mosque in the city.

Sheikh Salah was aboard the Turkish Ship, MV Marmara, that was violently boarded and attacked by the Israeli army and navy in international waters on May 31 last year.

During the attack, Israeli soldiers killed 9 Turkish activists, and injured dozens of activists, before occupying the ship and towing it to Ashdod Port.