Israeli soldiers kidnapped on Friday three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank including the daughter of a female legislator from the central West Bank city of Ramallah. Three more Palestinians were kidnapped in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday at night.Local sources reported that troops stationed at the Atara military roadblock, north of Ramallah, kidnapped Bissan Mahmoud Abu Baker, 21, the daughter of Legislator Najat Abu Baker, and took her to an unknown destination.

Also, soldiers kidnapped a resident from Qabatia town, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin after stopping him at the Za’tara roadblock as he was returning from Ramallah to his town.

The resident, Rami Mohammad Mo’tasem, is a former political detainee. He was forced into a military vehicle and was moved to an unknown destination.

Earlier on Friday, soldiers kidnapped a resident from Salem village, east of the
northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The resident was identified as Khaldoun Hasan Issa, 25; he was taken prisoner after the soldiers invaded his village, broke into and searched dozens of homes.

On Thursday at night, soldiers kidnapped three Palestinians in Silwan town, south of occupied East Jerusalem.

Clashes were reported between the local youth and the invading military forces; no injuries were reported.

Israeli troops are conducting daily invasions into different parts of the West Bank, including areas that are “controlled” by the Palestinian Authority.

The invasions are being carried out despite Israeli claims to ease restrictions in the West Bank and to refrain from invading areas “controlled” by the Palestinian security forces.